

It’s worth noting that you should spend the last 2-3 weeks of the summer sunshine preparing your garden for the long autumn / winter months that lie ahead. Your to-do list doesn’t have to be huge but taking simple steps to tidy up the place and prepare for spring next year will make your job so much easier moving forward.

Tidy and freshen up

Begin by having a good tidy and freshen. The time is now to consider cleaning any greenhouse glass, shed space and plants that are dying out. You should also consider giving your outdoor furniture one final clean before tucking it away for the autumn and winter.

Top tip: Growing undercover is the perfect way to keep your plants thriving all year long!


Image Credit: Two Wests | Greenhouses


Now is the time to plant any bulbs that will arrive in spring, you’ll certainly thank yourself when you’ve got some beautiful budding flowers coming through the soil after a long autumn and winter.

Lawn Treatment

You need to give your lawn a good cut before winter. If you leave your lawn to grow too long it will be extremely difficult to sort when the grass is wet. You can consider purchasing an autumn grass feed here although this isn’t always necessary.

Clear out

Having a final clear out before autumn and winter is the best way to rid your garden space of excess trimmings and cuttings as well as any clutter you may be storing away in your shed or garage. The time has come to clear away the cobwebs one final time before you completely forget about this job over the cooler months.


Clearing away those pesky leaves unfortunately is more than a one-time job. This is something you’re going to have to keep on top of throughout the cold months to avoid any rotting plants and messy sludge in your garden. There is something very unsightly about a pile of wet, rotting leaves, not to mention how slippery and dangerous they can be.

Looking after the wildlife

Whilst we may not enjoy the cool months, there are many birds out there who must endure the bad weather every day so leaving out any seeds through the winter will be a real help.

Plant protection

If possible, the best way to protect your plants through the cooler months are through cold frames or a greenhouse / poly tunnel. This isn’t always possible however so you can always insulate your potted plants with hay or bubble wrap. Alternatively, covering the more tender plants with mulch over the cooler months will provide an extra layer of warmth and protection, to give your plants a fighting chance against harsh weather conditions.

Protecting sensitive trees

Protecting your sensitive trees, particularly those that are not yet fully formed is important. You can do this by adding a trunk wrap for extra protection and stability. This is mostly beneficial if the trunk is smooth and delicate.

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